2nd International Webinar on

Dementia & Dementia Care

February 7, 2024

About The Scientific Wisdom Webinar

About The Webinar

We welcome all the enthusiastic researchers from all around the world to join us for the 2nd International Webinar on Dementia & Dementia Care scheduled during February 7, 2024. The theme of the webinar is “Future Enhancement In the field of Dementia and Dementia Care”. There are techniques to make life better for the individuals with dementia. The isolation, loneliness, feeling of marginalization, and emotional needs of those affected by dementia and their care partners are being addressed by people, organizations, and communities. The main focus of our webinar is to bring the renowned neurologist, neurosurgeons, researchers, health care professionals and special educators under a single place to share their knowledge and scientific progress in the field of Dementia & Dementia Care.


February 7, 2024

Who should Attend

  • Neuroscientist
  • Geriatricians
  • Neurochemist
  • Neurological Surgeon
  • Neurologist
  • Neuropathology’s
  • Neuropharmacologist
  • Neurophysiologist
  • Neuropsychologist
  • Neuroradiology’s
  • psychobiologist
  • Biological Psychologist
  • Psychiatrist
  • Neuroscience Nurse
  • Psychophysicist
  • Professors
  • Students
  • Neuro drug Manufacturers

Why to Attend

Dementia webinar will conduct presentations by the researchers in the field of neuroscience and neurology and will unite overall recognized professors, scientists, doctors and students. It will include wide range of topics like Dementia, Dementia Care, Alzheimer’s Disease, Treatment Strategies & Drug Development, Clinical Trials in Dementia, Biomarkers for Dementia, Animal Models for Dementia Research, Therapeutic Approach towards Dementia, Neuroimaging, Recent Advancement in Dementia ResearchBe the first to showcase your research, innovation and brand to gain competitive advantages. Meet your target audience and explore your product and services.

  • Global & Local Expertise
  • Prospective Attendees
  • Larger Worldview of the Profession
  • Open Gateway towards Innovation
  • Transparency Communication
  • We Focus on your Career Growth
  • We're Passionate about What we do
  • Strong Sense of Identification
  • Quality Without Compromise


  • Meet the renowned experts from all over the world
  • Build Your Knowledge Base
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Break Out of Your Comfort Zone
  • Certification

Scientific Advisory Committee

Here are some of our Advisory Committee

Michael Retsky
Professor, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health with University College London
Joe Purita
Chief medical officer, Institute of Regenerative medicine
James Lundeen
Founder, Lundon Software, Inc. & CEO, Sir Isaac Newton Enterprises, LLC
Jacqueline Jacques
Founder, BioQuantique Sàrl
Debbie Black
Global Health & Environmental Sciences
Pietro Gentile
Professor, University of Rome
Dora Dragoni Divrak
Medical doctor, Acupuncturist, Nutritionist and author for Italian and international journals
Peter Hollands
Clinical Scientist and Author in Regenerative Medicine and Assisted Reproduction
United Kingdom
Laila M. Montaser
Professor of Clinical Pathology & Chair of SRNT, Menoufia University
Wei Ling Huang
Medical Acupuncturist and Pain manager. Traditional Chinese Medicine researcher.
Ivet Koleva
Professor at the Medical University of Sofia
Patricia A. Broderick
Professor, University of New York Medical School


Scientific Sessions

  • Dementia
  • Care Practice and Awareness
  • Childhood Trauma and Dementia
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Causes and Prevention of Alzheimer’s
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Vascular Dementia
  • Dementia Nursing
  • Dementia Care and Consulting
  • Alzheimer’s Clinical Trials and Studies
  • Brain Diseases
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Molecular Genetics and Biology of Dementia
  • Therapeutic Targets and mechanisms for Treatment
  • Recent Studies and Case Reports
  • Mental health & Psychiatry

👉 Submit your abstracts here


Fill your details


$ 25
€ 20
  • Academic
  • $ 100
  • $ 50
  • € 90
  • € 40
  • Business
  • $ 120
  • $ 60
  • € 100
  • € 50
  • Student
  • $ 80
  • $ 40
  • € 60
  • € 30

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For Payment Related Issues Email us finance@scientificwisdom.org


Our Keynote Speakers, Speakers and Delegates testimonials-reviews

⇒ These are worldwide experts group speaking sessions in the medical field. This organization does a good job of bringing in scholars from around the world working on subjects of interest. For example I met an Infectious Disease doctor using Chinese medicine with Western public health measures hygiene, vaccinations to manage & prevent Covid using nutrition & energy balance.
R.M. Boylan
Researcher & Writer, Theratechnologies Inc

⇒ It has been a pleasure to be associated with Scientific Wisdom in the provision of state-of the-art information and discussions on Regenerative Medicine. The staff at Scientific Wisdom are efficient, understanding and knowledgeable in the way that they facilitate meetings and presentations. I look forward to working further with Academic Wisdom in the future.
Peter Hollands
Clinical Scientist and Author in Regenerative Medicine and Assisted Reproduction
United Kingdom

⇒ As a Distinguished Professor, Research Keynote Scientist, and also scientific Advisory specifically at this webinar dated the 16th of Dec 2020, on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine my area of deep expertise; it was a fantastic podium to declaration, explore, skillfulness, and boost the knowing scopes. Cordial thanks to organizing committee, Organization and related partnership. Cordial wishes to the organization upcoming scientific webinars & conferences.
Laila M. Montaser
Professor of Clinical Pathology & Chair of SRNT, Menoufia University

⇒ First of all I would like to say many thanks to Organization, for I have been given the opportunity to join in this very Prestigious scientific Event. Organization is very respected and of high quality. I am also grateful to meet with researchers from other countries who have innovative research’s. Organization is very respected and of high quality.
Eyupoglu OE
Istanbul Medipol University

⇒ Iam very happy to share my testimony about scientific wisdom organization, i participated webinars on Traditional & Chinese Medicine, Gynaecology, Traditional & Alternative Medicine, Epidemiology and more. I am very happy to be a part of this international scientific platform with affordable registration. I look forward to share my research knowledege with global persons through this organization in the future.
Wei Ling Huang
Medical Acupuncturist and Pain manager. Traditional Chinese Medicine researcher.

⇒ The Webinar about Traditional and Chinese Medicine, was an important virtual place, in day of pandemia and confinement to share knowledge with other researchers and students of all part of the world. I hope it take an usual and repeat the experience soon. Congratulation to all persons who take part of organization.
Carlos Soares Pernambuco
Estácio de Sá University – Campus Cabo Frio- RJ

Please go with this link for moreTestimonials


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