Guidelines for Success: Elevate Your Research!
Manuscript Guidelines
In order to create highly impactful and original content, our Journal has gathered an expert Editorial Board, comprising illustrious scientists who ensure that each manuscript is fairly, but stringently peer-reviewed. The preferred word format is word document. After submission we will send you updates regarding your manuscripts for each and every stage like initial stage to final stage. Papers will be published approximately 7 days after acceptance.
Invites contribution to the following sections of the Journal:
- Original Research Article
- Review Article
- Case Report
- Short Communication
- Editorials
- Letter to Editor
- Words Limitation is 3000 to 4500
Review Article : These provide an in-depth review of a specific topic. Authors should preferably be working in and have published papers in the area being reviewed and have sufficient expertise to critically evaluate the relevant literature. Appropriate use of tables and figures is encouraged. Where relevant, key messages and salient features may be provided.
- Words Limitation is 4500 to 5000
Case Report: These are brief descriptions of a previously undocumented disease process, a unique unreported manifestation or treatment of a known disease condition, a unique unreported complication of treatment, a case that generates a new hypothesis or helps understand possible pathophysiological processes. These may be accompanied by one relevant photograph.
- Words Limitation is 2500 to 3500
Short Communication: These are brief reports of original research. A short communication usually does not include any figure or table
- Words Limitation is 1500 to 2000
Editorials : Will be signed. These are usually opinion manuscripts that accompany original research articles or other reports or that present views and perspectives of the editors related to a published article, current issue or journal policy.
- Words Limitation is 1000 to 1500
Letter to Editor : This includes comments on articles published in the Journal during the previous 6 months. Observation, opinions and concern from its readers may also be submitted.
- Words Limitation is 900 to 1100
Manuscript Sections should include
- Title page
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Acknowledgement
- References
- Tables and figures
- Title page
Title page should contain Manuscript title, Author information.
Manuscript Title : Manuscript title should be concise yet descriptive. It should make electronic retrieval of the article sensitive and specific. Style: Heading 1 and strong.
Author information: The title page should provide the corresponding author’s telephone number, e-mail address, name of the department(s)/ institution(s)/organizations and country. Style: Article with Endnote text and Endnote reference.
Abstract: It should be structured and divided into four sections: Introduction/Background, Methods, Results and Conclusion. It should be a concise and accurate summary of the article with 300 words limit only
Introduction :Introduction should state why the study was carried out and what the specific aims of the study were, its importance and goals. It should not describe the background for the study.
Methods: The validity of a study is judged by the methods used. These should be described in sufficient detail to permit evaluation and duplication of the work by others.
The following should be described in this:
- Study design
- Setting
- Selection of participants
- Interventions
- Methods of measurement
- Data collection and processing
- Statistical methods used
Results : Results should be given in logical sequence in the text, tables, and figures. Only the most important findings should be summarized. Data presented in tables and figures should not be duplicated in the text.
Units of Measurement: International System of Units (SI) should be used with traditional equivalent in parentheses
Generally accepted conventions for reporting units of measurements are:
- Metric units (meter, kilogram, or liter) or their decimal multiples for the measurements of length, height, weight and volume etc.
- Degrees Celsius for temperature Millimeters of Mercury for blood pressure
Discussion: This section should aim at providing the conclusions from the study; and it should add to the current knowledge, provide explanations for the findings, compare the study’s findings with available studies, discuss the limitations of the study and the implications for future research. Only those published articles directly relevant to interpreting the results and placing them in context should be referenced. This section should conclude with a brief summary statement. The conclusion should be based on and justified by the results of the study. Discussion section should aim at emphasizing how your work is innovative and how it can be relevant for future advancement and research in the concerned field.
References: References should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text and these numbers should be inserted above the lines. Style: List 2 Reference text
For example {Author names. Publishing year (2020). Reference article/book name. Journal short name; Volume number; page number.}
Tables: It should be included below following fundamental content.
- Tables should have proper numbering
- Title should be above the table
- Short description below the table.
Figures: Only high contrast/ quality of figures that are essential shall be accepted & in JPEG format. The labelling must be clear and neat. Do not use clips on photographs, watermarked and artwork.
Editor Guidelines
Being an editor, they should carry out their responsibilities with much dedication to improve the quality of the journal. It is advisable to oversee the journal policies from time to time and assist the publisher in maintaining the journal’s quality towards serving the scientific community. An Editorial Board is a very important part of Science inquest and the team makes huge contributions in maintaining the great quality of the Publications and the Content. The core role of editor members is to figure out the referee process in time.
Guidelines for Editorial board members:
- To improve the ways of journal processes, the editor should actively seek the views of editorial board members, reviewers, authors.
- Encourage research into peer review, technological advances and reassess journal processes in the light of new discoveries.
- Editors are requested to review the manuscripts which are received to the journal by authors and suggest the modifications to be done in the manuscript to increase the quality of the article.
- The publication of an article is based on the editor's decision after getting satisfied with the quality of the paper and the decision of the editor should not be influenced by any factors.
- Should encourage reviewers to comment on- ethical questions and possible research and publication misconduct raised by submissions.
- If an article is not suitable for publication it will be rejected. The editor shall inform the same to the author(s) along with the comments.
- The originality of article submissions and to be alert to redundant publication and plagiarism.
- Recommend acceptance or rejection of the articles considered for publication to the journal Editor.
- Communicate with reviewers as regularly as possible, according to their availability and give them clear instructions in maintaining quality of the journal.
- Avoid conflicts of interest when making assignments. Check whether reviewer has history of conflict with author
Benefits as an Editor: These provide an in-depth review of a specific topic. Authors should preferably be working in and have published papers in the area being reviewed and have sufficient expertise to critically evaluate the relevant literature. Appropriate use of tables and figures is encouraged. Where relevant, key messages and salient features may be provided.
- Waiver on registration fee for conferences and Webinars organized by collaborated organization.
- Certificate of appreciation from our organization.
- Recognition as an editor for Scientific Wisdom Open Access Journal.
- Honorable position as Scientific Advisory Committee member/Chair /Co-Chair for any conferences/webinars organized by Collaborated organization.
Reviewer Guidelines
Reviewers are the key responsible people who take the article in different forms for the publishing of the article. The manuscript will be assigned to an editor, who in turn selects one or more editorial board members or reviewers to review it. Reviewers check the quality and accuracy of the work done by the authors.
Reviews of manuscripts should follow these guidelines:
- After receiving the invitation reviewer ought to verify whether the topic is within the area of expertise or not. He/she should intimate their availability to complete the review in given time.
- One can intimate us your opinion of accepting (or) declining the invitation. If you're unable to accept the invitation you can suggest any of your colleagues then editor may invite that person to review and you should not transfer your invitation.
- If a reviewer accepts to review the manuscript then the reviewer should send the acceptance letter to the Editor.
- Reviewers should send the review comments within the provided time frame.
- If the assigned manuscript doesn't meet the quality of work to be published then the same has to be informed to the Editor.
- During the review process if it is found that the research paper is not suitable, then one can intimate it to the Editor
- Reviewers aren't entertained to discuss regarding the paper with respective author(s).
- Avoid personal & financial conflicts.
- The final decision relating to modification, acceptance, or rejection of a manuscript rests entirely with the editor.
- Reviewer cannot save the copy of review and have submit it to the editor who is the decision maker.
- A certificate is awarded as a credit of your valuable contribution and support.
- Additional discounts for attendees to our collaborated conferences/webinars.
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