Health care and medical role are crucial since the origin of human species. Helping peers is even part of animal life, because same kind of groups instinctively contribute to others wellbeingin order to specie preservation.
In thousands and hundreds of years, human beings learnt ways of curing and of caring eachothers, entrusting for this the ones who were more able to empathize, to have better knowledge, to succeed: shamans, healers, medical doctors. It is clear that since this figure has been so important and improved in such a way along the eras, everyone holding this role must respect the privilege own…guaranteeing the best quality implemented.
Some problems derived from actuality are chemistry and procedures. The first is due to the lack of complete true information about what medical doctor tend to use, pharmaceutics. The second is related to the habit of recurring to standardized way of proceed. Both exclude medical doctors to be aware and conscious of what they do and what they get.
Adverse effects, toxicity, damages
The first evident consequence are the so called “side effects” being a more correct definition “adverse effects”, remembering that pharmaceutics are officially used since 150 years more or less, on the opposite traditional medicines are safely known and applied since millennia.
A clarification is due:
- Adverse effect is a negative consequence on health, solved once the pharmaceutic is stopped
- Toxicity happens when the pharmaceutic load overcome the therapeutic quantity, so negative effects prevale on benefits due to “overload”
- Then damages take place even after the stopping of pharmaceutics, and so we could also define them “lesions” in medical legal and in law field
If we want to specify more about the “causal link” that isa logic and scientific way of relating a cause with a consequence, a pharmaceutic or a therapy technique with a damage: when the remedy is stopped, the negative effect is stopped too in a cause-effect way.
- with the remedy the effect is increased, in negative way too
- before the remedy there was not that problem, so it is iatrogenic
- the remedy gives the same damages to healthy volunteers
In all these case “deprescription” is the only way, and hopefully it could try to solve the consequences of damage. Another important idea is that: only direct evidences can be used to make diagnosis, of course in objective demonstrable ways.
Of course nowadays medical doctors also have further essential roles, one of that is the “certification”, mandatory in their deontological code. This because a medical certification can be used for many implied life tasks, and being all guaranteed in a correct way, every professionist should take into great consideration what a medical doctor is attesting. A medical doctor is also a “public officier” that means that he/she have legal important roles, as testify or any other similar, crucial for people’s life and futures.
It is so clear that a medical doctor must base his/her work on a great “cultural baggage” as an ancient latin sentence could summarize “homo sum nihil humani mihialienium puto”, meaning that every topic could be intrinsically part of a medical doctor knowledge, and this “the more the better”.
Another thing to focus on is that…the only and exclusive goal that a medical doctor must have is to pursue patient advantage, both in terms of health and of life issues. From this derives that automatic ways of proceeding are to avoid, because they imply less reasoning habit and they are not patient-centered.
Of course a certain grade of disease-normalization is to acquire, because we live in a time in which it seems that health is the only exclusive possibility and mandatory, while being somehow sick is part of living beings existence… and this means that we should not be detached from reality particularly in expectations and maybe with professional pretenses.
Parallely it is known that human life is characterized by a full health condition since the starting or establishing of adolescence until 10-20 years after meno(andro)pause (50years old at least as average): we could say that we have an “health patrimony”, the adult life decades, and this must be categorically preserved, or hopefully improved (with salutogenetic strategies).
A good medical doctor moreover should also focus on patient’ context: the system in which this person is living, working, interacting, finds him-her-self in. For traditional Chinese medicine ‘solving the BEN/root is more important than curing the BIAO/manifestation’…if we want to solve a situation and of course we should.
Another great focus is that every condition must be considered, described, attested and decided starting from the actual exclusive status of fact, even ignoring overcome or false or solved elements referred to that person: this is the only way to being professionally correct and effective.
Of course it is also important to analize what is to avoid and to be avoided. When we give a rule, we can also explain why it is correct, so to apply… but it could be also necessary explain why the other possibilities are not the same, or also worse and the worst.
An example of this is the “collusion”, as newspapers often show…meaning a well known established “mafia type criminal association” or “associazione a delinquere di stampomafioso” from Italian penal code 416bis in the V title “crimes against public order.
This is a way in which even medical system can act, even in association with statal ‘justice’ courts. It is also known that other intrinsic powers may influence and determine such trends, for example masonry.
This is a criminal way to be linked to others, basing the relationship on favors, in majority illegals: called “brotherhood” and established since hundreds of years, it involves and regards both mafia members or also important professional figures, usually related eachothers as usually attested and known.
Typically, one of their way to act is even through psychiatrists and/or courts …if now with national laws, or even articles releasing selecting them in advantageous way, and finally with planetary choice of which guidelines making prevale and why.
But, talking about individual way of premeditated actions to vengeance and revenge -in similar ways to other dictatorship systems against groups of dissindents as in past and even in present- the psychiatrist-courts-powers way iseasy.
Typical colluded automaticisms in medicine, and derived implications
- Psychiatry is a totally unobjective branch of medicine, despite researchers parallely release since decades explanation of how it should be and in which many ways.
- When a context of interactions is not commonly behavioured, and some of them are actually or soon considered illegal (as gaslighting, that is manipulating others so reality and state of facts) differences emerge.
- But as universally known, psychiatrists tend to interpret such things not in clear way, or even in anthithetical way to laws.
- For example, psychiatrists can trust to a person not deserving that and falsely talking, or for the simple possibility due to DSM criteria, or for the told hidden favours.
- Most of the diagnosis are consequentely false, as scientifical objectivities can demonstrate both in that present time or even in all future possibilities attestations.
- Moreover, psychiatrists tend to do interviews in habitual procedure ways… that is that, based on antideontological premeditated ways based on indirect proves and unknowlingly to patient even recurring to intimidations and menaces (sometimes acted) crimes typical of mafia.
- A part from this, usually psychotropic medications have known iatrogenic effects, that are not only dysmetabolisms, damages to fertility, and to every life normal functions with heavy damages planetary recognized…. They can be "iatrogenic crimes” so crimes that healthy volunteers after psychotropics risks to see them classified as guilts. But they can also be “emotional detachments” or “coldness” that authorities link not to iatrogenic damages even intentional, but habitually classifying to the person features and every time totally absent before the pshychotropics.
- Of course, this changes the “person destiny” or what the person was achieving in optimal way, since in contexts not dependent only to the person nay, every solution that person acts to solve prior issues is considered error, even despite totally law duty.
- Typical are penal procedures, during which person cannot face this in effective, so realistic way realistic way asiatrogenically staggered.
- And also in minor procedures, iatrogenic “coldness” is copy-pasted used as prove of inadequacy and not as criminal organization confirmation prove clearly for every people involved.
- This has told based on false procedures, never demonstrated but ‘under the counter’ (since even if repeatedlty daily seen and mantatorily to officially refer… professionists can ignore and even use in finalized way) …used as basis(even with ex-posts, subsequent elements to use to justify in erroneous way what previously done) to discriminate on undue reason so totally deontologically and humanley unprofessionally.
Despite individual professionists …with the excuse of fear of vengeance, and some -even if in condition to- maybe moved alsoby endive, tend to evitate such solving counterparts, due to the probability of difficultly achieving the clear outcome..scientific journalism is doing a lot in this sense: both demonstrating how medicine branches can only be scientifical and alsorevealing why there are complications in proceeding in linear ways as implied.
A person has always the right (or even the duty) to get second/more opinions to safeguard his/her health and life and futures: usually health freelancers imply a better quality if only because they work as much as they produce.
Logics in Laws:
- Individual or family rights – these rights, even if clearly stated and known, can practically exist so be respected only if specularly linked to a duty or an obligation according always to related laws.
- Moreover the Italian norm about the ‘prescription’ of crimes both from civil (money remuneration after a damage, usually) of from penal. (written as jail penalty important for both *stopping a criminal from being illegal toward damaged *example for everyone in order to prevent illegal behaviors in society) points of view is clearly abnormal because …when the derived effect, called “damage” even in medical legal and in law-juridical-court field, is still not solved, maybe never possible to solve, or in risk to be repeated (since the author-criminal is still working or acting)… it is not correct from logical and practical -so even legal- point of view that a ‘crime’ is no more reportable so judgeable so leading to the condemn of the person to be stopped So in such cases, the effect and consequences and damages prevail on the procedure more than theoretical (orpractically illogical) norms, so to be updated in favor of “common sense”.
In conclusion anyhow a medical doctor can be a quality referee if when the person is going out from “commonsense” has been followed, the patient respected even from his/her point of view, benefits prevailed over negativities, and the interaction has taken place on a parity and equality level, meaning essentially that: what the health professionist or medical doctor has done can be in the same way lived in own turn, following the same criteria and modalities, because health, future, and persons involved have been respected and improved for now and for future life path.
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